About the MR Performance Journal

Since its inception in 1990, the Movement Research Performance Journal has fostered the evolution of written and graphic languages that contemplate current issues of dance and performance. Created by and for artists, the journal provides a unique forum for critical, rigorous, and creative exploration of the politics of performance, and seeks to address a multi-disciplinary readership. The journal focuses on artists’ of-the-moment concerns, with past issues exploring topics related to gender and sexuality, environments and eco-activism, critical approaches to race and ethnicity, technology and multimedia, Indigenous performance and settler colonial legacies, private property and neoliberal individualism, as well as tactics of liberation and revolt.

Institutional Subscriptions & Orders

Subscribe: Movement Research partners with several domestic and international ordering houses. If your institution, college, university, or library is interested in subscribing to the Performance Journal, please email performancejournal@movementresearch.org with your interest. Please note that institutions are not eligible for the Individual Subscription rates listed on our website.

Bulk Orders: We offer bulk orders of select issues (10 copies or more) to fellow nonprofit organizations and educational institutions around the world so that they can distribute Movement Research Performance Journal to their students, constituents, and artists. To place a bulk order, please email performancejournal@movementresearch.org.

Individual Subscriptions

Subscribe: Become a 2- or 4-issue subscriber to receive the latest issue of Movement Research Performance Journal to your home upon publication. Please refer to the dropdown menu to the right for pricing details.

We also offer bulk in-print sets. Please reach out to performancejournal@movementresearch.org for full in-print sets.

Single Issue Orders

Digital Orders: Nearly all Performance Journal issues are available to purchase and download on our website. To learn more about ordering digital copies of the Performance Journal, scroll down to “Movement Research Performance Journal: All Issues,” click on the corresponding cover image of the journal you would like to purchase, and navigate to Buy This Issue.

Past Issues: Copies of any in-print past issue are also available to order. To learn more about a past issue, scroll down to Movement Research Performance Journal: All Issues, click on the corresponding cover image of the journal you would like to purchase, and naviagate to Buy This Issue.

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International Shipping: The cost of international shipping may vary depending on the weight of the issue and country of destination. It can fluctuate between $10.00-$14.00+ (USD) for items weighing between 8.00-15.99 ounces. Please make sure you CLICK on the international shipping button in the ‘SHIPPING’ section. For more information, consult international shipping prices by region here: USPS International Shipping Rates.


Published two times annually, the Performance Journal is distributed for free at arts venues and organizations throughout New York City. Our distribution route extends throughout Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan.

If your venue or organization is interested in becoming a free distribution site, please reach out to performancejournal@movementresearch.org

To volunteer with distribution or to receive more information, email performancejournal@movementresearch.org

Subscribe to MR Performance Journal

Current issue: Issue #60, Spring/Summer 2024

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