Image taken from above. MELT Summer 2023 Workshop taught by Joanna Kotze at Judson Memorial Church. Dancers lie on their backs with arms spread out. One leg is also extended out as the other seems to be in motion bending at the knee and floating of the ground. Photo by Rachel Keane.

Rachel Keane


Graphic with text over an image. Photo from K.J. Holmes MELT workshop. Dancers move and improvise in different areas. In the foreground two dancers practice contact improvisation. One dancer sits on the ground leaning on another dancer, Movement Research intern Clara Kim who is posed in a downward dog position. Text reads, Summer 2024 MELT, July 8-24, In-Person Workshops
Type of postClasses & Workshops

Summer MELT Registration opens NOW!

MELT Intensives are a series of daily workshops in technique, somatics, improvisation, composition and other areas offered each summer and winter. These workshops provide students with the unique opportunity to engage with some of the most highly regarded and innovative artists in the field of dance today. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to build a movement practice with creativity, somatics, and reflection with our amazing line up of MELT!

Type of postPublications

Critical Correspondence

Fruits of Our Labor: a conversation between Catherine Cabeen and Tatiana Borchetta

Type of postPublications
Guest editor Leah Wilks and Annie Dwyer are photographed planning Experiential Anatomy Workshop from the outside of a barred window. Photo credit to Em Pike.

Critical Correspondence

Don’t Miss It: a conversation between Annie Dwyer and Sherone Price