Christopher “Unpezverde” Núñez is a Visually Impaired choreographer based in NYC. Núñez is a Princeton University Arts Fellow 22’, a Jerome Hill Fellow 22’, and a Dance/USA Fellow 22’. His performances have been presented by The Joyce Theater, The Brooklyn Museum, The Kitchen, Danspace Project, Movement Research at The Judson Church, The Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art, among others. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Art In America, The Brooklyn Rail, and The Dance Enthusiast. He’s been In Residence at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), The Kitchen, Danspace Project, Abrons Arts Center, Movement Research, and Center for Performance Research.

Christopher holds a cassette tape to his mouth as he pulls the tape out with his hands. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima
ID: Christopher holds a cassette tape to his mouth as he pulls the tape out with his hands. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima

Past classes and workshops