HomeClasses and EventsEventsMovement Research at Judson Church | April 28, 2025
A photo of Ani - Malaya Works piece for Movement Research at the Judson Church. Three dancers in a diagonal line holding on to eachother's hands. They are spread out and reaching. One dancer at the end of the line is on the floor. A fourth dancer moves away from the group. Reaching their arm as they move forwards. All dancers wear multi colored fabric with red yellow and green panels. Photo by Rachel Keane.
ID: A photo of Ani - Malaya Works piece for Movement Research at the Judson Church. Three dancers in a diagonal line holding on to eachother's hands. They are spread out and reaching. One dancer at the end of the line is on the floor. A fourth dancer moves away from the group. Reaching their arm as they move forwards. All dancers wear multi colored fabric with red yellow and green panels. Photo by Rachel Keane.

A free, high visibility low-tech forum for experimentation, emerging ideas, and works-in-progress held in the Fall and Spring seasons. Artists are selected by a rotating committee of peer artists, and join Movement Research Artists-In-Residence and international guests each season in performing at the historic Judson Memorial Church.


Accessibility Notes

The accessible entrance is located at 243 Thompson St. and the elevator at Judson Church is currently working. Personnel from the Judson Church will be at the entrance. The elevator connects Level 1 (street access) to Level 3 (Meeting Room where performances take place) and Level B or basement (where restrooms are located).

For access information or requests, please contact accessibility@movementresearch.org with the subject “MR at Judson.”


Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square S
New York, NY 10012

  • Get the Yellow - BMT Broadway Line numbers: N , R to 8th Street - NYU
  • Get the Blue - IND Eighth Avenue Line numbers: A , C , E to West 4th Street
  • Get the Orange - IND Sixth Avenue Line numbers: B , D , F , M to West 4th Street


Enya Kalia Creations

Enya Kalia Creations

Enya-Kalia Jordan, PhD ABD, is a choreographer, dance studies scholar, and DEI Innovator from Brooklyn, New York. She received a BA in Arts & Letters Dance from Buffalo State University and an MFA from Temple University in choreography and performance.

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RACHEL:dancers is a multi-medium, multi-modal, multi-sensory performance company making dance about the little things. RACHEL:dancers is committed to advancing a disability aesthetic in contemporary concert dance, and exploring ways to cultivate access for visually impaired audiences and artists through an experimental access-based creative process.

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Sacha Vega

Sacha Vega

Sacha Vega is an artist who collages across movement, poetics, and humor to invite focus into the ideologies that train our bodies to move. She often places a sense of mastery in complication with a novice to unsettle hierarchies around embodied instruction.

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