Through MRX Program, NYC-based Artists-in-Residence and faculty travel abroad to teach and participate in residency activities, informal showings, and discussions. Movement Research also welcomes artists and choreographers from around the world offering them a platform for creative exploration and artistic development during their MRX residency.

Current Exchanges

Movement Research / Jerome at Camargo Choreographic Residency

Past Jerome supported Artists-in-Residence were invited to apply to this program which supports two artists each year through a month-long retreat-style residency in Cassis France at the Camargo Foundation, providing AIRs an opportunity to work in a new environment that serves to foster reflection and idea-generation.

Partners: Camargo Foundation (Cassis France), Jerome Foundation (Minneapolis, MN), Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance! (Bronx, NY), Brooklyn Arts Exchange (Brooklyn, NY), Harlem Stage (New York, NY)

Artists: 2017 Jasmine Hearn (2016 BAAD! Artist-in-Residence), 2017 Mina Nishimura (2013 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence), 2016 Erin Ellen Kelly (2013 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence), 2016 Joanna Kotze (2014 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence)

MRX / Latvia

Initiated in 2013, Movement Research Faculty travel to Latvia for creative teaching and performance residencies and Latvian-based artists travel to NYC for an immersive experience, including classes and workshops at Movement Research and sharing their work-in-progress at Movement Research at The Judson Church.

Partners: Latvian Professional Contemporary Dance Choreographers Association (Riga, Latvia), ARA Dance Company (Latvia)

Artists: 2016 Santa Grinfelde (Latvia), 2014 Michelle Boulé (Movement Research Faculty), 2014 Levi Gonzalez (Movement Research Faculty)

MRX / México

This bi-lateral exchange provides a Movement Research Artist-in-Residence with a two-week choreographic and teaching residency in Mexico City and a Centro de Investigación Coreográfica, Instituto de las Bellas Artes student an opportunity to travel to New York city for participation in Summer MELT workshops at Movement Research.

Partners: Centro de Investigación Coreográfica, Instituto de las Bellas Artes (Mexico City, Mexico), Laboratorio Condensación (Mexico City, Mexico)

Laboratorio: Condensación
Daria Fain y Robert Kocik (Prosodic Body), Asthgik Der Sakrian, Galia Eibenschutz, Bilwa Costa y Emily Sweeney (perpetualmovementsound), Christian Schroeder, Synes Elischka (Kino Kabaret), Magdalena Leite, Anibal Conde. Sedes/Venues. Laboratorio Arte Alameda y Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí.

Arely Landeros, Alejandro Medina e Iván García (Sexy Mapping), Laura Ríos, Tatiana Mussi, Andrés de Robina, Miguel Mesa, Carolina Tabares, Sué Jácome, Synes Elischka (Kino Kabaret), Melanie Maar, Matías Lindenthal, Judith Meister, Jasmina Hirsch, Samuli Salonen, Peter Sciscioli, Susan Mar Landau, Mariana Baz. Sedes/Venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Goethe Institut, Cine Tonalá, Asociación Independiente de Cine Mexicano, Casa Frissac, Multiforo Tlalpan y Cine Villa Olímpica.

Ursula Eagly, Amanda de la Garza, Massimiliano Balduzzi, Antonio Ramos, Kojhi Setoh, Andrés de Robina, Thais Ushurubira, David Gutiérrez (Academia de la Danza Mexicana), Daniel García, Mario Lópes (Vehículo Sur), Antonio Ramos, Ana Paula Camargo. Sedes/Venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro de Investigación Coreográfica.

Barbara Bryan (Movement Research), Peter Sciscioli (IIAC), Carolina Tabares, Karen Palafox, César Aragón y Diana Sánchez (Compañía Segundo Piso), Leslie García (Laboratorio Arte Alameda), Antonio Ramos, Magdalena Firlag, Jael Orea, Thais Ushurubira, Marcela Olate, Mario Lópes (Plus Brasil), Samita Sinha. Sedes/Venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro Cultural Segundo Piso, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Centro Cultural 77.

Patricia Solórzano y Arely Landeros (Espontánea!), Samita Sinha, Alejandro Medina e Iván Paz (Sexy Mapping). Sedes/Venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Casa de Cultura de la UAEMex en Tlalpan.

Ursula Eagly, Kohji Setoh, Hejin Jan, Ana Paula Camargo, Samita Sinha, Constanza Monsiváis, Iván Paz. Sedes/venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Casa del Lago (UNAM), Tercer Ojo (Tulum), Librería Musical Herder y Casa de Cultura de la UAEMex en Tlalpan.

Krista Denio, Conrado Falbo, Abril Guillén, Compañía Segundo Piso, Sofía Walther. Sedes/venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro Cultural Segundo Piso, Centro Nacional de las Artes.

Mina Nishimura, Kota Yamazaki, Arely Landeros (Micropolis), Beatriz Pérez, Wilber Mendoza, Compañía Segundo Piso, Thea Little. Sedes/venues: Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Centro Cultural “Los Pinos”, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco.

Hedehiko Miura, Kakuro Sujimoto. Sedes/venues: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco y Modalidad Virtual.

MRX / Momentum

Work-share exchanges between Minneapolis-based Momentum artists/collaborators and Movement Research Artists-in-Residence to facilitate artistic dialogue between these artists around their work and creative processes.

Partners: The Cowles Center for Dance and the Performing Arts (Minneapolis, MN)

Artists: 2017 Momentum Artists //CATHEDRAL\\ (Dolo McComb, Kimberly Lesik, and Scott Stafford); Deja Stowers, BLAQ; Darrius Strong, STRONGmovement; Fire Drill (Emily Gastineau and Billy Mullaney) and 2016 Movement Research Artists-in-Residence Angie Pittman, Kris Pourzal and Alex Tatarsky.

MRX / Sweden

Since 2011, Swedish artists have traveled to New York to interact with Movement Research Artists-in-Residence to develop an international network of support and inquiry. Creative residencies for Swedish artists at Movement Research include performing work in progress at Movement Research at The Judson Church, participation in Movement Research classes and workshops, and visiting Movement Research Artist-in-Residence meetings and work sharing sessions.

Partners: Konstnärsnämnden – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Stockholm, Sweden)

Artists: 2017 Anna Westberg, 2016 Pontus Petersson, 2015 Björn Säfsten, 2014 Rosalind Goldberg, 2013 Stina Nyberg, 2012 Malin Elgán, 2011 Emma Kim Hagdahl

MRX / Trinidad

The MRX/Trinidad New Waves! Institute Scholarship provides 2-week residencies in NYC during MELT Summer workshop intensives

Partner: Dance & Performance Institute (Trinidad & Tobago)

Artists: 2018 Simeon Peters (Trinidad) and Shem Heliodore (St. Lucia), 2017 Juan-Pablo Alba Dennis and Patriann Edwards

MRX / Korea

Through this bi-lateral exchange a Movement Research Artist-in-Residence travels to Seoul for a three-week creative residency and Seoul-based artists travel to NYC for an immersive experience, including classes and workshops at Movement Research and sharing their work-in-progress at Movement Research at The Judson Church.

Partners: Seoul Dance Center in partnership with the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture with support from the Asian Cultural Council (Korea)

Artists: 2017 Ursula Eagly (2015 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence); 2016 Jeanine Durning (2013 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence) with support from the Asian Cultural Council, 2016 Eun Jin Choi (Korea)

University Partnerships

Eugene Lang College at The New School (New York, NY)

University of California at Los Angeles, Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance (Los Angeles, CA)