A semi circle of chairs and one person in the center of a theater. Participants engage with the discussion. From the MR Archives. 2010.10.28.Moving Dialogue.Vava Stefanescu. Photo by Ian Douglas.
ID: A semi circle of chairs and one person in the center of a theater. Participants engage with the discussion. From the MR Archives. 2010.10.28.Moving Dialogue.Vava Stefanescu. Photo by Ian Douglas.

GPS / Global Practice Sharing

GPS/Global Practice Sharing provides a platform for the international exchange of ideas, processes and reflective practices surrounding dance and movement based forms between the U.S. and independent performing arts communities internationally.

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Movement Research Exchange (MRX)

A vehicle to spur interaction and exchange among independent choreographers and their peers from within and outside the U.S, MRX enables Artists-in-Residence and faculty to travel outside their home environment for residency activities, informal showings, discussions and teaching opportunities.

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