This issue is OUT OF PRINT.
from Movement Research
As artists pass through our tiny office on the way to somewhere, or on their way back from somewhere, we think about TRAVEL: what it means to take a journey, and what issues are implicit in the ways that culture travels. While Movement Research is a “homebase” for many artists, we are also searching for ways in which we can impact dance and performance in the world beyond Avenue A. We want to participate in a dialogue about the current state of the arts, a dialogue that should span the neighborhoods of this city, the regions of this country and continent, and reach across the oceans that surround us.
Projects for this year—and future years—include exchange residencies in Nebraska, Mexico, Sweden, Denmark, and Venezuela; participation in the biannual Rencontres Chorégraphiques de Bagnolet in France; and an increased distribution of the Performance Journal, so that artists from around the world can share in the discussion of work that is ongoing at Movement Research. We hope you enjoy this issue, and we welcome letters to the editor, and other commentary.