Stacy Lynn Smith is a neurodivergent, Black mixed-race performing artist and improviser, choreographer/director, filmmaker and Green Circle Keeper at Hidden Water, a restorative justice organization by and for those affected by childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Smith’s practice synthesizes various lineages of improvisational forms, somatics, experimental theater and butoh alongside embodied trauma research. Smith creates, devises, improvises and performs across disciplines and genres with an array of talented artists including: DeForrest Brown Jr., Anna Homler, Karen Bernard, Thaddeus O’Neil, Rakia Seaborn, Vangeline Theater (2008-2017), Michael Freeman, Saints of an Unnamed Country, Salome Asega, GENG, Donna Costello, Bradley Bailey, Michele Beck, Jasmine Hearn, mayfield brooks, Josephine Decker and most recently with Kathy Westwater, Jill Sigman, Emily Johnson, Joan Jonas, Peter Born and Okwui Okpokwasili. As Psychic Wormhole (with Alex Romania), recent work includes producing and choreographing Face Eaters at The Chocolate Factory Theater. Psychic Wormhole is working towards completing their debut film, RECKONING, a visceral abstract memoir which grapples with Smith’s experiences of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and Complex-PTSD. Smith is a 2022-2024 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence, Glasshouse Art.Life.Lab 2024 AIR, a 2024 Djerassi AIR and a 2025 Dance and Process (DAP) artist at The Kitchen.
- Artist in Residence
- 2022 Artist in Residence
- Fall 2023 MR@Judson Artist
- Fall 2023 MR@Judson Artist
- 2022 Artist in Residence

ID: Photo of Stacy Lynn Smith performing BOOM WALK outside at the Williamsbridge Oval in the Bronx. A vintage boom box is balanced on one shoulder while their finger is in their mouth like a fish hook, causing them to spin in wide circles throughout the grass, long box braids swinging as they respond to the recorded cassette track that is BOOM WALK. Photo by Shintaro Ueyama.