Sassy Maat is a mother, poet, and educator. She holds an MFA in poetry from New York University. Her Honors include the Small Axe Literary Award, a City Artists Corps Grant from the New York Foundation of the Arts, and the Leonard A. Slade, Jr. Poetry Fellowship from the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. Her work has been published in Prairie Schooner, Small Axe, Poetry International, The Caribbean Review of Books, SX Salon, and other journals. She lives in Brooklyn with her partner and daughter.

Sassy Ma'at smiles while looking away from the camera. She has long dark locs and wears an orange dress. She is sitting in front of greenery. Photo courtesy of the artist.
ID: Sassy Ma'at smiles while looking away from the camera. She has long dark locs and wears an orange dress. She is sitting in front of greenery. Photo courtesy of the artist.