ms. z tye is a Brooklyn based artist who explores concepts through ancestral praise. She is intrigued with somatic relations and how they associate with emotional connectivity. These works are intended to serve as queer offerings to LGBTQIA-BIPOC communities. ms. z continues to research the kinesthetic body with instinctual energy to fulfill her curiosity. She has been included in exhibitions with Bronx Museum of Arts, Volta/Armory Art Fair, Untitled Art Fair, Cierra Britton Gallery, The Living Gallery, Long Gallery Harlem, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, Postmasters Gallery, Fridman Gallery, Art in Buildings, and Participant INC. Choreographic work has been commissioned by The Shed, BMW, BOFFO, MQBMBQ, Danspace, Lotto Royale, Papi Juice, Jack, Gibney, Movement Research, and Dance Canvas ATL.


ms. z tye kneels on an American flag with her hands on her lap, while wearing a yellow floral dress. Her hair is up and out of her face. Behind her on a wall are the words mighty real repeated. photo courtesy of artist.
ID: ms. z tye kneels on an American flag with her hands on her lap, while wearing a yellow floral dress. Her hair is up and out of her face. Behind her on a wall are the words mighty real repeated. photo courtesy of artist.