Marion discovered the Feldenkrais Method® over 15 years ago as a way of healing from injuries, reconnecting with herself and enhancing her performing skills. She has been incorporating Feldenkrais principles into her professional dance career, teaching practice and life philosophy ever since. Marion strives to create a nurturing learning environment where each individual can realize their fullest potential. She believes anyone has agency over their health and the power to become the version of themselves they desire. Her curiosity for biomechanics/anatomy and her
interest in mindfulness practices combined with her background as a dancer allows her to help a broad array of individuals by answering various needs – from restoring basic function of movement to furthering athletic performances and performing skills. She is eager to create the conditions for empowerment through self-awareness, bringing her clients more ease, confidence, and pleasure in movement and in life! Marion is is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, a certified dance instructor in both ballet and modern dance (Graham technique) with over 15 years experience in the performing arts. Marion is a faculty member of Feldenkrais NYC where she currently offers private sessions and weekly group classes. For more info:

Photo of a woman's face with shoulder length hair and a soft smile. Photo courtesy of the artist.
ID: Photo of a woman's face with shoulder length hair and a soft smile. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Past classes and workshops