I have been fascinated with movement from my early childhood, and dedicated most of my time growing up to dance training and sport. I danced professionally for 12 years in Tel-Aviv and later San-Francisco, with choreographers Rina Schienfeld, Deborah Slater, Sara Sass, Sean McMahon, and Rebecca Papas. While dancing in San-Francisco, I was exploring complementary movement modalities to improve my dance technique, and came across Feldenkrais group classes with famous ballerina and ballet teacher Augusta Moore. The first Feldenkrais group class I attended, was done lying down and sitting, and involved minor movements of the eyes and head. When I got up to stand at the end of the lesson, I felt more grounded and mobile than I had ever felt before. In future classes I attended this experience kept repeating itself, and consequently, my entire understanding of movement and learning began to change. I was fascinated by the improvements I felt in my body, and wanted to know more about the way the Feldenkrais Method worked. How was it that Feldenkrais classes which involved such small and light movements, improved my dance technique and flexibility, so much more than vigorous and physically intense dance classes? I joined the Berkeley Professional Training Program in 2004 under the educational direction of trainer Jerry Karzan. In 2006, after two years of training in Berkeley, CA, I moved to NYC an continued my Feldenkrais training with educational director David Zemach- Bersin. In 2007 I received a Feldenkrais Group Teacher Certification, and in 2009 I completed my Feldenkrais teacher training and became a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner . From 2007 to 2013, I worked as an administrative director, training coordinator, and faculty member, teaching group classes, workshops and seeing clients privately at the Feldenkrais Institute of New-York During my years at the Institute, I had the fortune to be mentored by the Institute owners: Feldenkrais trainer David Zemach- Bersin and experienced physical therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner Marek Wyszynski. I attended many continuing education programs for Feldenkrais practitioners with Feldenkrais trainers and assistant trainers such as: Mia Segal, Ruthy Alon, Carl Ginsburg, Deborah Bowes, Alan Questel, Sheryl Field, Anna Johnson, Aliza Stewart, Jerry Karzan, and more. In 2008 I attended my first advanced training with Feldenkrais Trainer Jeff Haller. Jeff’s approach has been a great influence and transformed the way I work. I spent several years studding with Jeff and have since continued to investigate and deepen my understanding of the method and its potential to restore health and cultivate growth in my own life, as well as the lives of my clients. In June of 2013 I founded my private practice in Union Square in Manhattan, where I still work today. Over the course of my career as a Feldenkrais Practitoner, I had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of clients, diverse in age, needs, and conditions. I have more than ten thousand hours of active experience working privately with clients, and hundreds of hours teaching group classes. In addition to my continuing Feldenkrais education, I continue to be influenced and draw on my experience with dance, yoga, sports, and other fields of interest. The Feldenkrais Method has been instrumental in my own life. In addition to helping me overcome chronic neck pain and several injuries, it has made me a healthier person, and better dancer and mom. It’s something I love to do and share with the people that I work with.

Photo of Anat standing and smiling for a portrait. She is outside wearing a winter jacket and a stripped scarf. In the background there are trees with bare branches. Photo by Elodie Saracco
ID: Photo of Anat standing and smiling for a portrait. She is outside wearing a winter jacket and a stripped scarf. In the background there are trees with bare branches. Photo by Elodie Saracco