Leah Fournier and Amelia Koper Heintzelman have been making performance together for nearly a decade. Their collaborative work has been presented by Pageant, The School for Contemporary Dance & Thought, Center for Performance Research, and Lubov Gallery, among others.

Amelia leans forward with hands on shins, Leah lays over top in the opposite direction, their pelvises aligned and her hands on amelia's calves. Both their hair is long and hanging downward, a black roll of paper leans in front of them. Photo by Jenna Westra.
ID: Amelia leans forward with hands on shins, Leah lays over top in the opposite direction, their pelvises aligned and her hands on amelia's calves. Both their hair is long and hanging downward, a black roll of paper leans in front of them. Photo by Jenna Westra.