A red graphic with Summer MELT dates. Jul 7 through Aug 1.
ID: A red graphic with Summer MELT dates. Jul 7 through Aug 1.

Registration Guidelines

1. Go to the Upcoming events section and select a workshop to view details.

2. If you would like to register for that workshop, select the amount you would like to pay within the sliding scale and click “Register” This workshop will be added to your “Basket”

3. Add as many workshops as you would like to your basket.

4. When you are ready to check out, view your basket and complete your order.

5. You will receive a confirmation email and receipt.

Week 1: Jul 7–11

10am-12pm  | Horizons with Irene Dowd

1-3pm  | Talk Your Shit with Ogemdi Ude

3:30-6pm  |  MAKING our way with Jeanine Durning

Week 2: Jul 14-18

10am-12pm  |  Finding Our Dancing Body with Vicky Shick

1-3pm  | Klein Technique™ – Watching Ourselves Move While We Move with Barbara Mahler

3:30-6pm  |  The Pleasure Practice: A Spell for Utopia with luciana achugar

Week 3: Jul 21-25

10am-12pm | dancing with Jennifer Nugent

1-3pm | What is my body doing when I am not conscious of it? Material and principles of Steve Paxton with K.J. Holmes

3:30-6pm  |  Queering Cunningham / Queering Form and Process: Performance Making Strategies with Neil Greenberg

Week 4: Jul 28-Aug 1

10am-12pm  |  Meeting the Movement with Jordan Demetrius Lloyd

1-3:30pm  |  S L O W N E S S: dancing with gravity, buoyancy and viscosity with mayfield brooks

4-6pm  |  Alexander Technique/A Critical Practice with Shelley Senter

Registration Updates

Early bird discount is available from March 10 through April 21. Use the discount code MELTearlybird for 20% off!

MELT archive

Click here to check all past events in this series.