A dance studio with a grey marley floor, windows, and red doors. There are three grey columns distributed through two thirds of the space.
ID: A dance studio with a grey marley floor, windows, and red doors. There are three grey columns distributed through two thirds of the space.

Movement Research is excited to open the newly built-out MR Studios at 122 Cultural Center!

Please follow the instructions below to submit studio space requests. The MR Studios at 122 Cultural Center are available daily 9:00am-10:00pm (Monday – Sunday) for reservations for rehearsals. Bookings for Eden’s Expressway are not available at this time.

How to Request Subsidized Rehearsal Space:

New Users need to apply for booking privileges:

Please note: If you applied for booking privileges prior to February 10, 2025, you will need to reapply following the instructions below.

  • If you don’t already have an account on our website, you will need to make one to proceed. If you already have an account, make sure you are logged into your account by clicking the Account icon in the top right corner of the page. Please include your full name when you sign up. You will book all studio rehearsals through your account.
  • Once you’re logged into your account, navigate back to the Subsidized Rehearsal Space webpage. On the right side of your screen, you’ll see a list of studio spaces: Courtyard Studio or Ninth Street Studio. Choose a studio space from the list and click “Check Calendar.” This will take you to the page for the studio you’ve selected.
  • On the studio page, click the button “Book this rehearsal space.”
  • Scroll down to “Apply for Booking Privileges.”
    • Confirm your eligibility to participate in the Subsidized Rehearsal Space program by indicating that you are an independent dance/movement-based artist or representing a small dance/movement-based company, and that the space will be used for rehearsals only.
  • Read through and download the Space Usage Agreement for your records to reference our studio guidelines. Both yourself and all members of your rehearsals are accountable for the information in the agreement.
  • In 1-2 business days, you will receive an invitation to book rehearsal space if you are eligible for our subsidized rehearsal space program.
  • Once you’re approved, reference the instructions below to continue the studio booking process.

Approved Users:

  • Navigate to the studio page where you want to book your rehearsal– either Courtyard Studio or Ninth Street Studio.
  • Click “Book this rehearsal space” to view the Calendar of the studio you want to book.
  • Click “Check Calendar.”
  • Log in to your account.
  • Read over our Studio Space Agreement once more.
  • Click “Accept”
  • Review the studio calendar for space openings.
  • Use the “drag and drop” feature to select your rehearsal times, OR use the Accessible View option to enter dates and times you’d like to book space.
  • In the Booking section under the calendar, check to make sure your desired times are correct, and click “Add to Cart.”
  • Review your Basket, then click “Proceed to Checkout” and fill in your billing details.
  • Movement Research will be in touch with building access information one week prior to your first rehearsal.

General Subsidized Rehearsal Space Information

Space requests must be sent a minimum of one week in advance of the first requested studio time.

We cannot accept booking applications for workshops, classes, or auditions.

Cancellation / Refund Policy: Payments are not refundable within 7 days of the rehearsal space booking. Cancellations can only be made by emailing studio@movementresearch.org, with the specific rehearsal date(s) and times that are being canceled.

Accessibility Notes

Accessibility information about MR offices and Studios located at 122 Cultural Center can be found here.

For accessibility requests or questions contact, accessibility@movementresearch.org

Movement Research’s Subsidized Rehearsal Space Program is supported by Dance/NYC’s New York City Dance Rehearsal Space Subsidy Program, made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the Mertz Gilmore Foundation.

MR Studios availability and booking

Courtyard Studio

Ninth Street Studio

Eden's Expressway

Eden’s Expressway is currently only open for rehearsals for MR’s Artists in Residence and other predetermined artists.