The Movement Research Festival finds its roots in the Improvisation Festival/New York (IF/NY), initiated in 1992 by artists Sondra Loring (an MR Artist-in-Residence at the time) and Julie Carr. In 1999 IF/NY became a program of Movement Research, under the curation of Programming Director Amanda Loulaki. In 2004, Movement Research created a guest artist curator format, and in 2006, Movement Research established the festival as a twice-annual event. This biannual, guest artist curator approach allows for a varied investigation and exploration into current artistic concerns and reflects Movement Research’s mission of valuing diverse artists’ voices, their creative process and vital role within society.
THE CURATORS THANK all the artists involved; we admire and love you! Also thanks to Randy Reyes, Levi Gonzalez, Anna Adams Stark, Barbara Bryan, Catherine Galasso, Megan Kendzior, Greer Dworman, Kay Ottinger, Ayano Elson; everyone at Gibney Dance, Brian Rogers, Sheila Lewandowski, Madeline Best, Nadia Tykulsker, Risa Shoup, Pepper Fajans, the congregation of Cadman Congregational Church in Clinton Hill, Alec Duffy, Jen Polins, Lisa Thompson, the staff of all venues involved with the Festival, Liliana Dirks-Goodman, Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste, Samara Davis, Marissa Perel, Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory as a co-sponsor, Julia Santoli, Pumpkin and Buddy.
Brooklyn Studios for Dance; The Chocolate Factory Theater; Fourth Arts Block; Gibney Dance Center; Instituto Arte Teatral Internacional, Inc; JACK; Judson Memorial Church; La MaMa; School for Contemporary Dance and Thought; Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory
Ayano Elson
Movement Research gratefully acknowledges public support from the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency); the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council as well as City Council Member Rosie Mendez; and Materials for the Arts (a program of NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, NYC Department of Sanitation, and NYC Department of Education).
Movement Research also gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of private support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Davis/Dauray Family Fund; Emma A. Sheafer Charitable Trust; Harkness Foundation for Dance; Howard Gilman Foundation; James E. Robison Foundation; Jerome Foundation 50th Anniversary Grant; Mertz Gilmore Foundation; New York Community Trust Edward & Sally Van Lier Fund; Trust for Mutual Understanding; Valentine Perry Snyder Fund; and from MRX partners Konstnärsnämnden/The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and CICO/ Performing Americas Program of the National Performance Network; and from all of the dear Friends of Movement Research, who contribute financial support, labor and love.
Thanks always to the clergy, staff and congregation of Judson Church; Judson continues to be a beacon for free spirits in the arts and politics and a leader among progressive faith communities in the city and nation for over 100 years. Enormous gratitude to Frances Alenikoff (1920–2012), founder of Eden’s Expressway, and to her daughter Francesca Rheannon and family, for their continuing belief in the mission of Movement Research and for keeping alive Frances’ spirited example of what lifelong artistry is. Special thanks to Abrons Arts Center, Danspace Project, and Gibney Dance Center for their ongoing partnerships; and to East Village Dance Project and GOH Productions, owners and operators of Avenue C Studio.