Kayla Farrish/Decent Structure Arts is an emerging company combining filmmaking, photography, and dance. Farrish is a NY based dancer/director with a vision for intimate storytelling. She received two choreographic commissions: Of Bones Dance/Hollye Bynum (2014) and Houses on the Moon Theater Company (2016); and also co-choreographed “Gods and Accepting Darkness” with Nik Owens for Spark Dance Forum in 2015. She studied photography and film through internships with Yara Travesio, Benjamin Heller, and Brooklyn Central. “With Delicacy and Permanence” live solo and film premiered in May 2017. In Summer 2017, she was granted a residency with Chez Bushwick, creating 5 short dance/music videos along with a film-inspired photograph gallery. New works Wager, With grit, From, Grace and Black Bodies Sonata have anticipated premieres in Winter/Spring 2018.

Kayla has her eyes closed and squishes her face in a yellow dress in front of a gray background- imagining a new tomorrow. Photo courtesy of the artist.
ID: Kayla has her eyes closed and squishes her face in a yellow dress in front of a gray background- imagining a new tomorrow. Photo courtesy of the artist.