Sylvain Souklaye is a French Caribbean Brooklyn-based live artist, sonic maker and author. His craft and mission go beyond and deeper than the question of identity. Following the idea of the rhizome, Souklaye digs in the sensitivity and history laying in the interiority of broken bodies, environmental urgencies and political retribution.
Souklaye started his artistic journey focusing on DIY social justice, or vandalism as he called it, and defined it as the necessary destruction for justice and self-designation. Lyon, his hometown, carries the Canut revolts heritage and merges with his Neg marron origin from Martinique (freedom and rebellion movement), to obtain a perfect cocktail, a cocktail molotov.

Interiority is at the center of Souklaye’s body of work; collective intimacy and epigenetic dialogues are the inner spaces where he spends time exploring and inviting the audience (in)to. Each living soul is a part of his live experiences, and there are no active or passive members of the audience, only those who want to be activated. His shows are self-centered yet collective live experiences that reveal what is left inside him and us.

A photo of motion fighting a.i. friction. A black and white image of Sylvain Souklaye in profile. The back of his head is cut out by shadow. The performance took place in Copenhagen. The performance is a reflection of the antagonism between human motion and a.i. tracking. Photo courtesy of the artist.
ID: A photo of motion fighting a.i. friction. A black and white image of Sylvain Souklaye in profile. The back of his head is cut out by shadow. The performance took place in Copenhagen. The performance is a reflection of the antagonism between human motion and a.i. tracking. Photo courtesy of the artist.