Jace Weyant is a transgender multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from highschool at UNC School of the Arts with a concentration in Contemporary Dance, and she has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College where she studied Dance, Mathematics and Computer Science. She has worked as a dancer for Amanda Hameline, Evan Ray Suzuki, Katherine Fisher, and John Jasperse. She has worked as a creative technologist for Salsa Stories and Safety Third Productions. Her own creative work stands at the intersection of the emotive and the mathematical, using both dance and technology to create otherworldly environments in which bizarre and fantastical scenes play out. She has shown her work at Theater Mitu, Chez Bushwick, Summer Happenings Festival, Standard Vision Studios, Mono no Aware, and Astoria Film Festival. She has accepted residencies at Theater Mitu, Chez Bushwick and Impulstanz. She has also accepted awards from the Youngarts Foundation, Astoria Film Festival, and Montreal Film Fest.

Website: www.jaceweyant.org

Portrait of Jace in a green blazer against cloudy skies as background. She has curly brown hair and raises her arm towards the sky. She wears a gauzy white glove. Photo courtesy of artist.
ID: Portrait of Jace in a green blazer against cloudy skies as background. She has curly brown hair and raises her arm towards the sky. She wears a gauzy white glove. Photo courtesy of artist.