MRPJ#11/conversations: Editor’s Note

Editors: Cathy Edwards and Guy Yarden

I am leaving Movement Research in September. I came here with no specific vision. Over the past four and a half years, it has become clear to me that a specific vision would probably have a negative effect. I don’t even like the term vision. I feel fairly confident that we (as a community of similar-minded individuals) have created a reasonable model of an arts organization that effectively responds to collective action. The approach has been largely organic. I see MR as something akin to an ecosystem that constantly regenerates its own life force, while evolving in response to both positive and negative, external and internal energy. It is in a constant state of becoming, rather than just being.

I like to think that I have received more from this job than I have given to it; and, I certainly know that to be true when I think of what I have learned from working with both Cathy and Audrey. If I wanted to continue as an arts administrator, I would not be leaving MR. I cannot imagine a more vibrant, responsive, and challenging group of people to work with.

–Guy Yarden

When I started working at Movement Research I was lucky enough to spend my first weekend on the job watching Jennifer Monson’s Tackle Rock. I decided I had come to the right place – so much so that I’ve stayed in that place for almost five years now. One of the inspirations for this issue of the Journal was a desire to hear some of the artists I’ve worked with talk about what their work is — what their ideas are, and what they are pursuing. It’s been a pleasure to encounter the unpredictable in these dialogues — to witness the process of discovery and the moment in which voice is put to thought.

I also want to take this opportunity to say that as of the end of the summer, I will be leaving the day-to-day operations of Movement Research, and the job of co-director. I really want to thank Guy for sharing this job with me for the past four and a half years, and Audrey for joining the staff three years ago. I often feel as though I must have the best job in the city, and for that reason I will continue to work with Movement Research in new and different capacities — all as yet unnamed!

–Cathy Edwards