New: 2016 Guidelines and Application are now live.

Movement Research Artist-in-Residence 2016 Application Guidelines

What is the Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program?
A two-year residency program providing commissioning support, rehearsal space, performance and related opportunities designed to support the individualized creative process of movement-based artists.

Five (5) - Six (6) artists will be selected to participate in the 2016 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence program via this application process. Applications will be reviewed and selected by a panel of three artists. MR AIRs selected through the panel review process will receive commissioning funds supported through The Jerome Foundation.

Artists must apply as individuals.

Applicants must be residents of New York City. Resident means that your permanent mailing address is in New York City/one of the 5 Boroughs.

Applications must be submitted online.

Dates: July 2016 – June 2017
with additional opportunities from July 2017 – June 2018.
Deadline: Applications must be submitted online by 11:59pm on February 29, 2016.
Application Form: CLICK HERE


2016 Application Guidelines:

Be prepared to provide the following information when submitting your online application. You may not save applications in progress. Once applications are submitted they cannot be edited. Movement Research will accept only one application per artist.

1. Contact Information
2. Artistic statement (400 words or less) expressing both personal artistic goals and goals for the residency period.
• Include any motivations, intentions, or inspirations that are a critical part of your artistic process as a whole or for the proposed residency.
• Describe any concepts, materials, subjects, processes, structures, or questions central to your work.
3. 1 page Resume (must be formatted as a ONE PAGE 8.5” x 11” PDF document)
4. Relevance of Residency (150 words or less). What in the specific structure of and resources provided by Movement Research’s Artist-in-Residence program is most relevant to your current artistic process? How will you engage with these resources? (Please refer to list of resources below).
5. 1 work sample that best represents the artistic process in which you are currently engaged.
We ONLY accept online videos. Please provide a link to a URL, either youtube, vimeo or other. Vimeo is preferred.
• Sample must show contiguous footage of a work that demonstrates your current research and investigations. Need NOT be the same work you would like to develop as an AIR.
• Include one cue point to a representative 3-5 minute section.
• Sample should contain as much of the full work as possible should the panel want to watch more than the allotted segment.
6. Brief description of work sample (150 words or less). Please explain the relationship between the work sample and the goals articulated in your artistic statement. If there is no relationship please tell us why you chose this specific work sample.

Criteria and Context:
Movement Research supports the creative process and emerging ideas of artists, not final product. Finished, fully produced work is not expected, nor is MR able to support final productions. As per funder requirements, the applicant Artist must be a current New York City resident not currently enrolled full-time in a school or University program, and can identify as an emerging artist as defined by the Jerome Foundation. Please see below for further information on what constitutes an emerging artist for the Jerome Foundation*.

Through the Artist-in-Residence Program, Movement Research supports:

• Rigorous and wide-ranging artistic investigations that are movement-based, but that may incorporate other disciplines and collaborations, with a focus on experimentation.
• Artists who reflect a range of directions and approaches to making work such that there is an interesting confluence of artistic ideas being explored over the course of the coming years.
• Artists must apply as individuals, and only one individual artist will be granted each residency.

PLEASE NOTE: Past AIRs must wait three years from the completion of their residency before reapplying. AIRs accepted in 2011 or earlier are eligible for the 2016/2017 application cycle.

Resources provided by Movement Research during the first year of the residency:
• A commissioning fee of $3000
• 100 hours of free rehearsal space
• Access to free or reduced rates for classes and workshops
• Consideration for participation in MRX/Movement Research Exchange programs
• Opportunities to participate in other MR programs and to create artist's own opportunities in consultation with staff, using MR infrastructure – this can include Studies Project discussion series
• Consultations with MR staff in individual and group settings
• Opportunities to participate in producing content for the Movement Research blog and possibly for Critical Correspondence and the Performance Journal
During the first year of the residency each AIR is required to:
• Show work on the Movement Research at the Judson Church series (for which an additional $500 fee will be provided)
• Moderate at least two Open Performance post-discussions
• Participate in Artist-in-Residence discussion meetings every 4-6 weeks on topics determined by the artists
• Submit a final report at the end of the residency detailing activities throughout the year

During the second year Movement Research provides:
• A small research stipend
• Rehearsal space at free and/or reduced rates
• Access to free or reduced rates for classes and workshops
• Opportunities to participate in MRX programs
• An additional chance to show work on the Movement Research at the Judson Church series (for which an additional $200 stipend will be provided)
During the second year residency each AIR is required to:
•Participate in 6-8 discussion meetings over the year on topics determined by the artists
• Submit a final report at the end of the residency detailing activities throughout the year

Movement Research's Artist- in- Residence program receives support from The Jerome Foundation, The Davis/Dauray Family Fund, The Mertz Gilmore Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. and through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Click here for online application form.

Applications must be submitted online by 11:59pm on February 29, 2015

* There is no exact and singular definition of an emerging creative artist. The Jerome Foundation (The Foundation) seeks to support those artists who show significant potential, yet are under-recognized. Examples of recognition include exhibitions, critical reviews, commissions, performances, grant awards, residencies, fellowships, publications, and productions. The Foundation considers not only the number of these acknowledgements but also timing, size, characteristics, geographic context, and significance. The Foundation engages each artist in an individualized manner, addressing how emerging is defined in the context of the program and the organization. Career stage is a factor but not a limiting one. Many emerging artists fall in the early career category but not all do. Age is not a factor in determining an emerging artist. The term emerging refers to artistic development, professional accomplishment, and recognition, not to evolution within an artist’s work. The Foundation will assess each situation in reference to the artist’s intention and history of work.

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