Spring 2006
March 1
Contemporary Dance in France & the US:
Differences & Similarities in Aesthetics & Structure
a conversation with Barbara Bryan, John Jasperse, Tere O'Connor, Laurent Pichaud, and Martine Pisani
, 6:00 pm
In conjunction with French choreographer Martine Pisani's premiere of Sans (Joyce Soho, March 2-5, '06, co-presented by Danspace Project & The Joyce Theater), Movement Research, in collaboration, invites a public conversation about the comparative life of dance making in France & the US. With a formidable history of dance exchange, these two cultures continue to influence each other in philosophical & practical terms. Moderated by Trajal Harrell, panelists will discuss both their own personal working histories and take on aesthetic dialogues happening between & within the US & France. Information about institutional support & structures in France will also be discussed
April 3
The Dancing of Politics
Ishmael Houston-Jones, Andrea Liu, Clarinda Mac Low, HanaKyle Moranz, Jill Sigman, Lise Serrell, and Arturo Vidich
, 7:00 pm
During the MR Festival 2005, Ishmael Houston-Jones led The Dancing of Politics workshop to address his concern that "...in these times of war & terror & eroding of personal liberties, [it would seem that] some work would address these issues no matter how obliquely..." but that few works go beyond the choreographer's world. A working group of performers that has evolved from this workshop will address the following questions: What is it to make socially relevant art? How do we go forward trying to do that? How do performance & moral conviction intersect? Both performances & open discussion will take place.
June 22
I've Fallen Down and I Can't Get Up:
AIDS Discourse in 2006
Dance Theater Workshop Studio, 8:45 pm
New York, NY
Why, SINCE AIDS IS STILL alive and KICKING, IS THE CONDITION/SYNDROME/DISEASE so rarely addressed? What has dampened the spirit of activism in our cultureÃââ AND IN OUR ART? Using the revival of Neil GreenbergÃââs Not-About-AIDS-Dance [AT DANCE THEATER WORKSHOP] as instigation, panelists will discuss the state of discourse and activism around HIV/AIDS by artists in this 25th anniversary-year of AIDS. Moderator Stephen Greco (Editor-at-Large, Trace Magazine) and panelists David Romain (Author, Performance in America: Contemporary U.S. Culture and the Performing Arts) and Sarah Schulman (author & playwright) will join Greenberg for a free discussion immediately following the performance.
June 22
I've Fallen Down and I Can't Get Up:
AIDS Discourse in 2006
Dance Theater Workshop Main Stage, 8:45 pm
219 W. 19th St.
New York, NY 10111
Why, SINCE AIDS IS STILL alive and KICKING, IS THE CONDITION/SYNDROME/DISEASE so rarely addressed? What has dampened the spirit of activism in our cultureÃââ AND IN OUR ART? Using the revival of Neil GreenbergÃââs Not-About-AIDS-Dance [AT DANCE THEATER WORKSHOP] as instigation, panelists will discuss the state of discourse and activism around HIV/AIDS by artists in this 25th anniversary-year of AIDS. Moderator Stephen Greco (Editor-at-Large, Trace Magazine) and panelists David Romain (Author, Performance in America: Contemporary U.S. Culture and the Performing Arts) and Sarah Schulman (author & playwright) will join Greenberg for a free discussion immediately following the performance.