
Spring 2015

February 3
Artists in K-12 Schools
Conceived by Diana Crum with panelists Lynn Brown, Donna Costello, Randy Luna, Jessica Nicoll, and Jules Skloot

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:15 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

What is the role of the dance teaching artist in schools? Many artists make a living by teaching grades K-12 in the NYC school system. Is their goal to share their artistic practice, the ideology behind their aesthetic, tools for making art, historical reference points, movement skills, or something else? Hear experienced voices from different arenas of dance-in-education and share your own questions and ideas. Reflect on your own practice and how the work of teaching artists impacts education and culture in this city.

March 3
Dance and Publish
Hosted by Biba Bell, Moriah Evans and Will Rawls

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:15 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

This Studies Project will examine the role of both print and digital publishing at MR. As MR's two publications—the Performance Journal (semi-annual print edition) and Critical Correspondence (monthly web edition)—move into their respective 3rd and 2nd decades, the editorial teams hope to enter into a more robust dialogue with their colleagues in the field. This two-hour event will bring together agents of the dance publishing world in New York and members of the interested public. We will break into three working groups focused on three themes: Design, Circulation and Content. Each working group will have auxiliary prompts and exercises to guide a hands-on, brains-on practicum leading to a larger, group conversation about how to analyze and optimize the circulation of dance ideas within artist networks, academic curricula, arts publishing and cultural discourse. In preparation, we ask only that you bring a clutch of journals, periodicals, catalogs and/or websites that serve as your primary sources for dance content. Please RSVP.

April 7
being a body out loud
Conceived by Ni’Ja Whitson Adebanjo, Edisa Weeks and Tara Aisha Willis with Allison Joy, Jumatatu R. Poe and Social Health Performance Club

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:15 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Living a body that shouts through the underbelly, a protested or protesting body, a black body, a body of the multitudes, a body of color, a body no one believes, a body of rage or exhaustion, a body on the ground outlined in chalk. Our current moment’s choreographies and vocabularies – gestures, chants, dances, collective actions – reveal (and disrupt) practices of living. What experiences do we hold in memory and body, and how do we hold them? With reverence? Power? Performers and writers respond with you.

April 29
Dance and Labor
Organized by luciana achugar, Abigail Levine and Kathy Westwater
With panelists David Thomson and Yve Laris Cohen

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:30 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

How is dance labor valued? How has it been valued? How might it be? And how can we affect the value assigned to this labor? These questions will be considered across a spectrum of contexts, including individual and institutional, organized and spontaneous, and historical and anecdotal to explore how performance and dance function within our current artistic, economic and labor realities.

May 5
Dance and Labor - RESCHEDULED FOR 4/29

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:15 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

May 12
Spring Festival: Placing Performance
Moderated by Sarah Maxfield
Panelists: AUNTS, Megan Bridge, and others.

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 6:15 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

What words do we use, arrange, invent, and discover to talk about the particular communicative power of performance work? How does geographic location and environment influence the creation, languaging, and understanding of dance and performance? How do digital/ virtual sites affect the consumption of dance as a living, complex, emotionally dense form? Join Sarah Maxfield, AUNTS, Megan Bridge, and the co-curators of the 2015 MR Spring Festival for an intimate conversation about locality, environmental and digital influence, and curatorial process. Part of Movement Research Festival Spring 2015: LEGIBLE/ILLEGIBLE.

May 14
Spring Festival: Freedom Station (Kid Friendly)

Prospect Park, 2:00 pm
Southern end of the long medow
Brooklyn, NY

The artist/parent: conundrum or harmony? Bring blankets, bring the little ones, take a break from the binaries to share conversation about finding balance in the roles of artist and parent, and more broadly about the integration of art and life we simply enjoy a day outside together with our kids! Part of Movement Research Festival Spring 2015: LEGIBLE/ILLEGIBLE.

July 7
MELT-"Movie Night"
Hosted by Jennifer Monson

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 7:00 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Hosted by a different MELT teaching artist each week, the MELT “movie night†series features work that inspires, influences, engages and/or represents that artist's current creative process and artistic concerns. The screenings provide an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue between students and teachers beyond the workshop setting, as well as a chance to connect in a more social environment.

July 14
MELT-"Movie Night"
Hosted by Kyle deCamp

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 7:00 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Hosted by a different MELT teaching artist each week, the MELT “movie night†series features work that inspires, influences, engages and/or represents that artist's current creative process and artistic concerns. The screenings provide an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue between students and teachers beyond the workshop setting, as well as a chance to connect in a more social environment.

July 21
MELT-"Movie Night"
Hosted by Donna Uchizono

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 7:00 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Hosted by a different MELT teaching artist each week, the MELT “movie night†series features work that inspires, influences, engages and/or represents that artist's current creative process and artistic concerns. The screenings provide an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue between students and teachers beyond the workshop setting, as well as a chance to connect in a more social environment.

July 23
MELT Reading Group
with Tara Aisha Willis

Jimmy's no. 43, 7:00 pm
43 East 7th Street (b/w 2nd & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY

"I thought I was being asked to construct a physiological self, to balance space and localize sensations, when all the time they were clamoring for more." -Frantz Fanon, "The Lived Experience of the Black Man." "I want to insist on perceiving the body as intelligent and multivalent." -Ananya Chatterjea, Butting Out How does "lived experience" get into performance? Performance is experience, it is live, living, lived; it is also more than physiology, sensation, space, and sight. Our sociopolitical bodies, our kinesthetic bodies: what do they do together? what do we do with them when we dance? can our untraceable gestures, as Michel de Certeau offers, "escape without leaving" the ordering systems that demand so much? how do we make mysterious use of what we've been given, and what our bodies have been given to be?

July 28
MELT-"Movie Night"
Levi Gonzalez hosts Darrell Jones

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 7:00 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Hosted by a different MELT teaching artist each week, the MELT “movie night†series features work that inspires, influences, engages and/or represents that artist's current creative process and artistic concerns. The screenings provide an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue between students and teachers beyond the workshop setting, as well as a chance to connect in a more social environment.

July 30
MELT Reading Group
with Marissa Perel

Jimmy's no. 43, 7:00 pm
43 East 7th Street (b/w 2nd & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY

"For if I am confounded by you, then you are already of me, and I am nowhere without you. I cannot muster the 'we' except by finding the way in which I am tied to 'you,'" claims Judith Butler in Precarious Lives. Let's talk about how we are tied to each other as makers, performers, citizens. Let's talk about choreographing as coalition building. Let's talk about performing and looking as acts of solidarity. Let's talk about bodies as carriers of histories, 'movement as transmission,' and language as somatic connection 'between the visible and invisible, clear and obscure, private and public, given and with-held,' (quotes taken from Petra Kuppers', Waltzing disability culture: Moving history with Raimund Hoghe).

August 4
MELT-"Movie Night"
Hosted by Neil Greenberg

Gibney Dance at 890 Broadway, 7:00 pm
890 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003

Hosted by a different MELT teaching artist each week, the MELT “movie night†series features work that inspires, influences, engages and/or represents that artist's current creative process and artistic concerns. The screenings provide an opportunity for a more in-depth dialogue between students and teachers beyond the workshop setting, as well as a chance to connect in a more social environment.

August 6
MELT Reading Group
with Claudia La Rocco

Jimmy's no. 43, 7:00 pm
43 East 7th Street (b/w 2nd & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY

Time. Space. Rhythm. Pacing. Breath. These words describe how we perceive bodies, and also words. How does performance perform? How does poetry perform? How does performance perform poetry and poetry perform performance? How fast can you ask that question? What is taking so long with our drinks? Is that Gertrude Stein at the next table, or Fred Moten? Let's look at some scores and poems and poem-scores and what all and think about these important questions. With any luck we'll go wildly off topic.

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