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MRPJ#6/Heroes and Histories: Table of Contents
Spring/Summer 1993
Editors: Cathy Edwards, Esther Kaplan and Guy Yarden
A Letter to the Editors by Louise Sunshine
On Movement Research by Wendell Beavers
Rebirth of New Rican: To Eddie Figueroa by Ed Morales
Contribution by Tere O’Conner
On Graziela Figueroa – Particia Hoffbauer in conversation with Sarah Rudner
Spock and A Banana Childhood by Fred Wei-han Ho
Burt Supree by Ismael Houston-Jones
Kenneth King by Tamar Rogoff
Allison Chase by Robby Barnett
Coincidental Influences by Harry Whittaker Sheppard
Sentimental Sucker by John Weaver
40 Reasons Why Whores are my Heroes by Annie Sprinkle
Tough Love, a Performer’s Journey by Nicky Paraiso
Fueled By Ethyl by Joe E. Jeffreys
The Moon Still Rises, The Seasons Change, and the Song has yet to be Sung: In Tribute to Audre Lorde by Amala Cyril
Someone Else from Queens is Queer by Richard Elovich
Three Memories of Audrey by Martha Wittman
Cornerstones by Ruth Zaporah
Katherine Dunham by Kate Ramsey
Seeing Dancing by Deborah Hay
I Want Your Myth by John Kelly
Tallulah’s Voice: Reflections on Imitation, Transformation, and Transposition by Kenneth King
It’s Snowing in Massachusetts: thoughts from conversation with Nancy Stark Smith by Julie Carr
Yvonne Meier by Cathy Edwards
Dancing Post-Judson by Scott deLahunta
Contact Junkie by Elizabeth Zimmer
A Conversation by Pauline Oliveros and Ione
The Brooklyn Women’s School by Eve Rosahn