Katie Rose McLaughlin, a ballet kid turned clown and artist interested in speaking on stage, and Anna Marie Shogren, a studio jazz kid turned dancer and conceptual art lover still not eager to speak on stage, met as dance students at the University of Minnesota. Since then Katie Rose McLaughlin has worked/lived in Minneapolis and Chicago with Georgia Stephens, James Sewell Ballet, Theatre de la Juene Lune, Lamb Lays with Lion, Paula Mann, Redmoon Theater, and Anna Marie Shogren. Come see her this October/November at New York's New Victory Theater performing in Redmoon's Hunchback. Anna Marie Shogren in Minnapolis has worked with Justin Jones, Karen Sherman, Laurie Van Wieren, Morgan Thorson, Chris Schlichting, Shawn McConneloug, and Katie Rose McLaughlin, and performed in Chicago, NYC, Boston, Jacob's Pillow.
» fri 05/30: CATCH 30 (dirty dirty thirty)