HIJACK is the Minneapolis-based choreographic collaboration of Kristin Van Loon & Arwen Wilder. Van Loon & Wilder each grew up in Chicago and met at Colorado College in 1990. In 1993, they moved to Minneapolis and named their collaboration HIJACK. Specializing in the inappropriate, they insert dance where it is least expected. HIJACK is best known for “short-shorts”: pop song-length miniatures designed to deliver a sharp shock and football field-scaled spectacles for 15-50 performers. The duo has taught and performed in Japan, Russia, Central America, Ottawa, Chicago, Colorado, New Orleans, Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Austin,TX, and Maine. HIJACK choreograhy has been supported by residencies at Blacklock Nature Sanctuary, Colorado College, and Bates Dance Festival and commissions from DTW/Tere O'Connor, Barebones Puppet Collective, Links Hall, Smokebrush Theater, Macalester College, Carleton College, University of Minnesota, Walker Art Center, 3-Legged Race, and Ballet Arts Minnesota. Their show at PS122 with Scott Heron was given special notice in The New York Times' Year in Art 2006.

» fri 05/30: CATCH 30 (dirty dirty thirty)


 HIJACK   photo: Sean Smuda