Seth Cluett (b. 1976, Troy, NY) is a composer and visual artist whose work includes photography, drawing, video, sound installation, concert music, performance, and theoretical writing. His pieces are an exploration of the role of sound in everyday life. Operating at the boundary between the auditory and the other senses, his work engages sound's ability to be both collectively shared and distinctly personal. Many of his pieces investigate the acoustic signature of specific locations, in which sound is experienced as an activity (audio tourism) or as a geologic process.

Seth’s work has been shown/performed at the 10th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Palais de Tokyo Museum, Théatre sur le Pavé, and GRM in Paris; the Osage Art Foundation in Hong Kong; the ICA, Mobius Artist Space, MassArt/nonpod in Boston; WPS1/MoMA, Issue Project Room, The Kitchen, Diapason, Engine 27, Tonic, and The Knitting Factory in New York; the Betty Rymer Gallery at the Art Institute of Chicago, Elastic Arts, Heaven, Artemisia, and Deadtech Galleries in Chicago; as well as the Deep Listening Space in Kingston, NY amongst others. He has created dance and theater works with dd dorvillier, Hélène Lesterin/Atlas Dance, and Jen Mesch. His work is documented on Errant Bodies Press, Sedimental, Crank Satori, BoxMedia, and Wavelet Records. He has published articles for The Open Space Magazine, Leonardo Music Journal, 306090, Earshot, and the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. For more information see

» wed 05/28: 24 X 4 X 4

» sun 06/01: Ringing Rocks: a day-long sound-movement excursion to Pennsylvania


 Seth Cluett