Joe Levasseur (Lighting Designer) has and continues to collaborate with many Movement Research Artists-in-Residence artists including Alex Escalante, Gerald Casel, Beth Gill, Daniel Linehan, Anna Sperber, RoseAnne Spradlin, and Christopher Williams. In addition, he has worked closely on lighting with many other New York based dance artists such as John Jasperse, Jennifer Monson, Sarah Michelson, Maria Hassabi, Levi Gonzalez, Ashleigh Leite, Megan Sprenger, and Pavel Zustiak. He has worked in the theater in various respects for Karole Armitage, Miguel Gutierrez, Elisa Monte, Juilliard School Dance Department, SummerStages Dance at Concord Academy, JoAnna Mendel Shaw and Donna Uchizono, as well as for lighting designer Clifton Taylor. When not in the theater, Levasseur pursues a secondary calling as a visual artist.
» sun 06/08: Closing Party: Quasi-Formalist Anti-Semi-Formal