Elliott Durko Lynch is a performing artist, visual, and media artist for live performance with a Theatre Arts degree from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Sometimes onstage and sometimes near the stage, in 2007 he developed video and sound for Skewed Visions’ “Strange Love” and was a recipient of the Electric Eyes Commission for New Media performance at the Southern Theater. In 2006 he presented the full evening length performance work “FOR YOUR EYES ONLY” as the outcome of the Intermedia Arts’ / Jerome Foundation Naked Stages program.
Other sightings include performing for Morgan Thorson & Co, Andy Sturdevant, Justin Jones, Body Cartography, and creating sound for Patrick Scully, Interact Theater Company Justin Jones’ “The Screen/The Thing” and Players of Notorious Temerity. He is currently developing a new work “HISTORIC NEW YORK ARTISTS LOFTS AND RESIDENCIES +HOTEL” (aka. BRYANT LAKE BOWL INTERMISSION) to be shown at the Soap Factory’s ‘ARTERY 24’, performing with Morgan Thorson & Co, and designing for Skewed Visions, Chris Schlichting, and Joanna Furnans. Elliott is a member of the Minneapolis Tuning Club, and he is a secret.
He is a real person! Quotes referring to Elliott or his work include:
“quirky imagination”
“I could have listened to it longer”
“don’t know much about his dancing feet”
“an excrement of video”
“extremely loud”
» fri 05/30: CATCH 30 (dirty dirty thirty)