thursday, may 29th, 2008

de(compose): duration, decay, and the unwinding unconscious

a workshop led by Melissa Buzzeo, Marissa Perel, and Alysha Wood

10 am - 2 pm

judson memorial church gym, $20, register online

Perel and Wood facilitate experiments in translation where the body (de)composes into text and text (de)composes into the body involving Authentic Movement and dance scores generated through epistolary writing to/from bodily sites of durability and vulnerability. Participants will draw from the persistence of the rat and cockroach and the ephemeral detritus surrounding them as elements of the (de)composed body of the cityscape. Melissa Buzzeo introduces hypnosis techniques to tap deeply into the psyche's unconscious register. Writing will be the passage from this borderless, spatio-temporal arena of the mind to the conscious body, activating narration through tissue and membrane.

A library

hosted by Chase Granoff


judson memorial church gym, free

A chance to introduce a new community-based library dedicated to distribution and discourse through the lending of books and publications relating to and supporting performance. This event will be equal parts round table, community dialogue, and friendly drinking. Special guests will be present for the round table discussion, and a catalogue of the collection will be on hand for viewing and reservations. Donations of books and publications for A library will be accepted.

Skeined Tongues: the reification of language as mesomorphous substance

curated by Marissa Perel


judson memorial church gym, $5

Experimental text reading & performance by Melissa Buzzeo, HR Hegnauer, Danielle Vogel, Marissa Perel, Alysha Wood/ Woo, and others TBA, emceed by Jedediah Logsdon and Hannah Zeavin.

How is the body transfigured between the liquid and crystalline states of articulation? We commit to memory, to the restoration of abandoned skins, weaving together texts to form new surfaces, textures, and operations. Voice acts as a line of flight, and each reader a site of intensity where hir lingual exertion is both an act of retrieval and transmission.

The Phoneme Choir


judson memorial church gym, $5

R. Steiner wrote: “The entire universe is expressed when the alphabet is repeated from beginning to end.” Join us for an orchestrated performance of the forty phonemes which are the English language's most basic structural units. The Phoneme Choir is part of The Prosodic Body, an ongoing collaboration between choreographer Daria Faïn and architect/poet Robert Kocik based on their exploration of language as a somatic practice. Please e-mail for the rehearsal schedule.